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  • Bathua Cultivation and Farming Guide – Notes

    Bathua Cultivation and Farming Guide – Notes

    When it comes to Certain crops, it’s not possible to make a huge profit. Most crops that are easy to grow are often priced quite low. With plants like bathua which is considered easy to cultivate and available widely as a weed, the value of the crop itself is low. Moreover, you don’t have prospects…

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  • Breadfruit farming and Cultivation in India – Notes

    Breadfruit farming and Cultivation in India – Notes

    Plant Care Fertilizers Pruning Propagation Harvesting and Packaging Reference:

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  • Capsicum / Shimla Mirch Open Field Farming Polyhouse / Green House

    Capsicum / Shimla Mirch Open Field Farming Polyhouse / Green House

    Capsicum is Commonly referred to as shimla mirch in India. Capsicum is a high-value crop considered Exotic, especially the coloured varieties. Used widely in restaurants and homes, Capsicum has a good demand for its culinary use. the export growth of capsicum grew from 28 million in 2010 to 271 million in 2014. since then, capsicum…

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  • Cabbage cultivation and Farming in india

    Cabbage cultivation and Farming in india

    Cabbage is a leafy vegetable widely used in restaurants. there is high demand in all Chinese restaurants for cabbages and that puts the crop on the list of highly marketable crops. Unfortunately, due to a lot of people cultivating cabbages, the price cap may not be too high for the produce. Ranging anywhere between 8…

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  • French Bean / Green Bean Farming, Cultivation guide, Care and More

    French Bean / Green Bean Farming, Cultivation guide, Care and More

    French Beans are referred commonly to as beans in India. There are over 400 Varieties of edible beans in the world and each of them has its place. in India, over 20 varieties of beans are commonly consumed and commercially available. Though all of them are technically called beans, the French beans are the ones…

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  • Basale soppu / Malabar Spinach Farming and cultivation

    Basale soppu / Malabar Spinach Farming and cultivation

    When it comes to farming and agriculture everything becomes commercial, big and largescale. there is nothing wrong with it but the way most people see agriculture is different. For instance, a permaculture farmer will have more than 100 crops growing on his land at the same time while a traditional farmer will have one or…

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  • Brinjal (Baigan / Vange / Ringan) Cultivation and farming in india

    Brinjal (Baigan / Vange / Ringan) Cultivation and farming in india

    Among all the crops which are widely cultivated in India, the brinjal is one of the few crops which is consumer specific. What I mean is that the variety of brinjal grown in one state or even one district may not be preferred in another area. Farmers often make the mistake of cultivating a newer…

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  • Ladies Finger (bhindi / Okra) Farming in india

    Ladies Finger (bhindi / Okra) Farming in india

    Okra Crop Duration The duration of the okra crop, from planting to harvest, typically ranges from 50 to 70 days, depending on the variety and growing conditions. Okra is known for its relatively fast growth compared to many other vegetables. However, the specific duration can vary based on factors such as climate, soil fertility, cultural…

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  • Bottle Gourd Farming and Cultivation- Calabash / Dudhi

    Bottle Gourd Farming and Cultivation- Calabash / Dudhi

    Bottle gourd is a widely cultivated crop in India and the market is open in all states. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari and Gujarat to west Bengal, Bottlegourd is cultivated widely and consumed too. The market rates are usually between 10 to 50 rs per kg and may go a bit high but not lower than…

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  • Yard Long bean Cultivation in India and its Profitability

    Yard Long bean Cultivation in India and its Profitability

    Yard Long Beans are a widely consumed vegetable in India. It is an easy-to-cultivate crop with high profit in the right area and market. Hybrid varieties are available which are developed by Agricultural universities in India. It is consumed all over India and has a good rate except for peak seasons when the price may…

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  • Turnip Cultivation in India – Profit and Cost of Farming

    Turnip Cultivation in India – Profit and Cost of Farming

    Turnip is not a very common vegetable in the market in most parts of the country. Turnip is not well-established in most markets throughout India. The lack of awareness about the vegetable, its distinctive taste, and its inability to grow locally everywhere throughout the country make these crops preferred and consumed in only some states…

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  • Cultivation of Thyme in India and its market

    Cultivation of Thyme in India and its market

    Thyme is not a popular crop in India. Apart from the fact that it has limitations in where it can be grown, the market is not wide open for thyme as a spice in India. A popular spice in European cuisine, thyme is not a spice used in Indian foods and cuisine. Used as dressing…

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  • Beetroot Cultivation and Farming in India – Expenses , Profits and Market

    Beetroot Cultivation and Farming in India – Expenses , Profits and Market

    Beetroot farming is practiced in very few states in India. Though the vegetable is not considered exotic and is consumed widely in India, it is not one of the most popular vegetables. The average household consumes less than 2 KG of beetroot a month. That’s 24 KG of beetroot consumption a year per household. Unlike…

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  • Tomato Cultivation and Farming in india

    Tomato Cultivation and Farming in india

    It is rare to find good cuisine without tomatoes. In India, almost all Punjabi dishes have tomatoes as a base for their gravy. Every restaurant needs it. Every household needs it. It is probably the third most common vegetable (technically a fruit) in an Indian household after potatoes and Onion. Even though Tomatoes are one…

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  • Broccoli Farming and Cultivation in India – Profit, Yield Per acre …

    Broccoli Farming and Cultivation in India – Profit, Yield Per acre …

    Broccoli is not a go-to vegetable for most people. It is not considered a delicacy in India and is only consumed for its health benefits, not its taste. Nevertheless, anything that is rare or new in the market creates hype and people want to try it for various reasons. Colored, capsicums, zucchini, and iceberg lettuce…

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