Mango Cultivation, Profit & Yield per acre

India takes pride in cultivating over 1500 Varieties of mangoes of which 1000 of them are commercially grown. Mango is known as the king of fruits in India and is also the national fruit. Among fruit cultivation, mango takes nearly 50% of the land holdings in India. The fruits are exported worldwide today and farmers are getting more profit with increased technology, better-growing practices and market world wide.

Organic Mangoes are becoming more common and valued among customers in India and abroad. The yield, though moderate, with right techniques, costs can be reduced and profits are considerably higher. For higher yield, farmers are practicing high density mango farming where 100 mango saplings are planted in a single acre as opposed to 40 in traditional farming. While traditional farming techniques with little to no maintenance can get around 2-3 tonnes per acre, high density farming can give 9-10 tonnes per acre .

Profit also depends on the variety of mangoes. While some mangoes are known to get up to 200 Rs per Kg, others merely scrape up 20 rs Per KG even during the peak season. Mangoes for fruit consumption are generally priced a bit higher than those used for juice,  pickled or  packed food varieties. 

The total export of mangoes is over 116287 Metric tonnes in 2018-19. its been on the decline since 2016-17 when it was at its peak at near 184023 Metric tonnes.the decline in the export is due to various reasons, some including restrictions of indian mangoes in the UK and also the UAE. While the total export of mangoes has been in decline, the value of the product itself has been on the rise in india. Indian mangoes are still preferred for sliced and dried and for mango pulp.

Fresh mangoes are the most profitable and gets the most value. Unfortunately, Fresh mangoes are available only during seasons and this limits farmers from selling their produce at a higher rate. Many farmers usually flood the market with their produce at the same time. 

Pulp is the second most profitable form of mangoes sold. These usually does not gain a lot of profit for farmers as the companies usually buy from farmers at a lower rate. Dried and sliced mangoes usually sell for a lot lesser. 

For exact figures on exports of mangoes from india Please refer

Most of indian Mangoes are exported to the UAE and UK. The Middle East currently tops as the best consumer of indian mangoes. 

Mango Cultivation Methods

Mango cultivation in India for years have been going on in a particular manner. Locations were given preferences. For instance , Banganappalli was cultivated in Andhra. The Kesar was from Gujarat , Chaunsa from Bihar and every variety had a location where it was good. The cultivation was also simple. 40-60 Mango trees in an acre. Trees would yield around 2.5 to 3 tonnes of fruits per year. Fertigation was minimal. Irrigation too was simple and not too intensive. 

Traditional Mango cultivation was simplistic. You plant saplings, USually grafted. Take care of it for 2 years with regular irrigation and pest control. The third year is usually the first year of flowering. Flowers are usually cut off to prevent fruiting and enhance foliage. The fourth year is usually the first fruiting year. Over the next 10 years, fruiting increases every year, usually doubling every year starting from a nominal 10 KG the first year (Fourth year after planting). The 10th year of the tree should yield around 100 -250 KG of fruits per tree. By the 20th year a good tree should yield around 1000 fruits minimum, increasing every year by 5-8%. The yield of a mango tree depends on various factors including the suitability of climatic conditions for the plant, Irrigation, Fertigation and pest management. Rainfall also plays a major part in the yield. If the fruiting of a plant is to coincide with the rainy season, chances are that you will not be able to harvest good fruits. Mango harvesting should be done before rains as rains bring in a variety of pests and it becomes harder to manage.

Pros and cons of Traditional Mango Cultivation

Minimal MaintenanceSlower Return on investment
Consistent incomeLesser return compared to High density plantation
Lesser LaborHarder to harvest as trees are huge after 10 years
 Chances of alternate year fruiting after 10 years.

While the traditional mango harvesting methods are profitable, its not fully commercialised. The land is not utilized fully and there is a lot of empty space between trees the first 10 years before the tree develops to full growth. Also the yield is only 2.5-3 Tonnes per year, which can be increased.

High Density Mango Cultivation

While Traditional mango cultivation adopts 45-60 plants per acre, The high density cultivation allows up to 200 plants per acre. This automatically increases the yield per tree for the first 10 years of harvest. While the traditional method generates 3 tonnes, the High density Mango cultivation doubles the yield to approximately 5 to 6 tonnes per year. 

High density mango plantation is not dependent on the variety of mangoes. With that said, Farmers should concentrate on high yielding varieties and varieties which have a good market value for high density plantation. Kesar, Alphonso, Banganappalli and Malliga are some of the most valued fruits with good return on investment. Imam Pasand is a low yield variety with high cost and can be considered for high density plantation. Low cost mangoes which generally go for pulp and pickles should be avoided. Totapuri is a high yield variety but the cost for the variety is low in the market. 

High Density mango cultivation comes with its own caveats. Maintenance is higher than the traditional farming methods. Drip irrigation, proper field maintenance and pest management costs are to be considered. Pruning the mango trees 3-4 times a year is required to maintain proper shape of the plant. 

A complete , detailed cost analysis of High density mango plantation vs Traditional mango plantation was studies by the indian association of hill farming and the details of the same are available on The total cost involved in maintaining the High density plantation is double that of traditional mango plantation. But when it comes to Yield, it is double too. With one acre of land, You can expect to spend 103940 Rs for the first 4 years of gestation period in High density plantation while th cost of Maintaining a traditional farm is 63345 Rs only. When it comes to returns, you can get 2-3 tonnes per acre on a traditional farm while you can expect 6 tonnes in High density . In monetary terms, you are looking at 50,000 Rs in returns on a traditional farm while the returns on the High density farm is 150,000 on the 5th year per acre. 

Clearly, high density plantations are more profitable than Traditional mango plantation , if done right and maintained properly.

We urge you to look thorough the research on before you venture into high density planatation. Preparation and planning is always important when it comes to long term agricultural ventures. Knowing what works and what doesn’t will determine your ratio of success drastically.

Sum it all up

  • High density mango plantation is profitable compared to traditional Mango cultivation
  • Requires proper fertigation and irrigation, preferably drip
  • More maintenance than Traditional mango cultivation
  • Better yield
  • Easy to harvest as Tree height is controlled
  • Easier to manage as tree height is less
  • LEss labour intensive
  • Good Sunlight and air penetration 
  • Better fruits (quality and quantity)

Ultra High density Mango Plantation

  • Close to 700 Trees per acre
  • 2-3 times more profit than High density plantation
  • Up to 5 times more profit than traditional mango plantation
  • Easy harvesting
  • High Yield
  • Good Export quality fruits without compromise on taste

While the Traditional mango plantation spaced each tree at a 10 meter distance, the High density placed it in 5 meter distance. The Ultra high density model  placed each tree in 2 meter distance with 3 meters between rows. This enabled one acre to accommodate as many as 700 trees. With higher number of trees came higher yield. The project, first conducted by Jain irrigation in udumalpet saw a 10 Tonne yield in the tenth year, 5 times more yield than traditional mango cultivation and twice as much as high density mango plantations.

Ultra high density mango plantations has its own set of problems. The plants spaced so close requires attention and constant pruning or else the branches of one tree could entangle into others and eventually compete for air , sunlight and space. If left unattended, many of the trees will eventually die and while its still alive, the yield would amount to nothing. The roots are closely placed and fight for nutrients and water all the time, so Drip irrigation facilities and constant nutrient application is mandatory. Weeding the plant and keeping the area free from pests are more important than ever as the trees are so close and spreading a disease becomes easier.

Maintaining an Ultra high density Mango plantation would cost more than ultra high density plantations. The initial investment on drip pipes and water facilities is mandatory. Maintenance cost involves labour for spraying pesticides and application of nutrients from time to time. Labour for pruning the trees 4-5 times a year is also mandatory. With higher input costs, farmers would expect a higher yield and better price for their produce. With that said, Ultra high density plantations for mangoes focus only on 2 varieties so far. Imam pasand and Alphonso are 2 varieties which get a good profit in the market. 

Ultra high density mango plantation is effective way of increasing yield in a small area of land but requires proper and timely maintenance, fertigation and irrigation. The skill to prune the trees correctly is important. Fertigation after pruning and fruiting is crucial for plant growth and fruit development. The costs involved is slightly higher with UHDP but the returns are twice as that of High density plantation and the fruit quality and of the same size.

The project, unnati by Jain Agro provides training for Ultra high density plantation of mangoes and arranges buy back programs for mango cultivators. They also arrange for soil testing and mango saplings for farmers who intend to implement the Ultra high density Mango plantation. You can see more details on the Jain agro website (

Difference between High Density, Traditional and UHDP – Ultra high density Mango plantation 

 TraditionalHigh DensityUHDP
Yield2.5 Tonnes /Acre5 tonnes /acre10 tonnes per acre
MAintenanceModerateSlightly higherHigh
Plant per acre60200700
Harvesting CostHighLowLow
Fruit QualityLowModerate / HighHigh
Learning CurveLowHighHigh
Return on investmentLowHighVery high

Clearly Ultra high density mango plantation, though requires high maintenance and training, is more profitable . Commercially, high density mango plantation helps farmers to maintain a farm single handedly or with minimal labour as long as they are skilled. Fertigation, irrigation can be automated or done with minimal labour. Pruning of 600 trees takes 3-4 days for a single skilled labourer. Picking of fruits can be done by anyone without any tools, thereby maintaining the quality of the fruits and minimal labour. 

Refer :

Mango Disease

Powdery Mildew : One of the biggest disease in mangoes is the Powdery mildew. Symptoms include whyte powdery fungal growth on leaves and stalks. Often times, the fungus will affect flowering and fruit setting. The problem is alleviated with rains, mist and cold weather and enables them to spread to other trees.

  • Anthracnose 
    Anthracnose is a fungal infection and is a widespread post harvest disease in mango trees worldwide. If you see spots on leaves or fruits, chances are these are Anthracnose. Symptoms include Small blister like spots on Leaves, Fruits, twigs and dye backs. If a branch is affected, they eventually die. Fruits tend to decay when ripe and infected fruits drop prematurely. 
  • Sooty mould
    Sooty mould is a fungal infection. It occurs in the honey dew or excretions of aphids. The virus leaves a dark brown shade on the leaves and fruit. Sooty Mould results in Fruit dropping and poor fruit setting. To control the disease its important to control the aphid problems.
  • Die back
    Die back can be seen in trees when the tip of a branch starts with discoloration and slowly moves upwards to healthier parts. The leaves tend to dry up and bend upwards eventually falling off. Die back can affect plants due to various reasons including freezing conditions and water. They are also known to spread through cuts from work at the farm or even thrips and aphids. Manual control includes removing the affected stem or branch and even some of the surroundning branches which may have a chance of being affected even if they look healthy.
  • Phoma Blight
    Phoma Blight may appear only on older leaves. Affected leaves will appear bent with brown or yellow blemishes scattered on the survace. Eventually the leaves will start loosing color and wither. You may experience Complete defoliation of leaves. The Phoma Blight is usually dormant and may stay in Dead or living plants. It may be dormant on soil and other surfaces including cement and stones.  When the temperature is right, Between 25 and 35 Degrees the growth takes place. Phoma Blight can be controlled by spraying copper oxychloride in 20 day intervals. Treating with Neem Leaf extract or Neem oil has found some relief
  • Bacterial Canker
    Bacterial Canker can be highly destructive and can affect a range of mango varieties. Loss of yield, destruction of stored mangoes and problems with fruit setting can all be seen with bacterial canker. IT starts with Water soaked patches in the leaves and can affect stems and fruits too. Severe cases can see yellowing leaves and defoliation. Water soaked fruits may eventually burst to release liquid with bacterial cells. Copper oxychloride, Carbendazim and agrimycin are all effective against bacterial canker
  • Red Rust
    Red Rust. As the name suggests leaves a reddish brown residue on the Leaves and young twigs. The red rust results in poor photosynthesis and eventually affects the foliage. The red rust can affect young branches. When affected on the stem, it cracks and becomes thick. Twigs get entangled and the growth is shunted.  Copper oxychloride is used to control Red Rust problems.
  • Diplomia Stem End Rot
    Diplomia Stem End Rot is caused by injuries to the skin and stem usually during picking or labour. The infection could lead to blackeing if the pedicel and flower dropping. Carbendazim treatment and hot water treatment of fruits can control the infection in storage

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Indian states and Mango Cultivation

  • Uttar PradeshUttar Pradesh Tops the list of Mango producers in India. With an average of 45 Lakh Tonnes of Production every year Uttar pradesh produces mangoes of various varieties. Dasheri, Langra, Gulab Khas, Chaunsa and amrapali are some of the most popular varieties cultivated here. Apart from these there are farmers who cultivate other varieties including Mallika, Alphonso, Lalbagh sindhuri and more. in 2019, the Land used for mango cultivation was 2 and a half lakh hectares. Lucknow, Mallihabad, Sahranpur, allahabad, Gorakhpur, Varanasi and Mathura are some of the few districts in Uttar Pradesh which has topped the mango producing districts. Mallihabad alone which is known for dasheri mangoes cultivated 7 Lakh tonnes in 2019.
    Andhra Pradesh
  • Andhra Pradesh is the second largest producer of mangoes in india with 5000,000 Tonnes of mango produced in 2019. Srikakulam , Vizianagar, Vishakapattinam, Krishna, Chittoor and cuddapah are some of the areas with the largest mango production. ananthpur, Kurnool , Guntur and prakasham are also areas where mango is cultivated commercially by small farmers. Banganapalli, Suvarnarekha and Neelum are cultivated for export in andhra pradesh. Andhra Pradesh was once the biggest producer of mangoes a few years ago, But in recent years has seen reduced production and land area allocated to mango cultivation was reducing. 
  • KarnatakaKarnataka is the 3rd largest Mango producing state in india. Mango cultivation has been prime focus by the government and the farmers of karnataka lately. Mango Cultivation and marketing has been officially promoted by the Government of karnataka. With Facilities for Ripening, Hot water chambers, Training facilities and more, the Karnataka Government has been providing farmers facilities to grow mangows. Karnataka mango development board also has a gene bank with 49 mango varieties for High density plantation. Karnataka is Focused on production of Alphonso, Banganapalli,Kesar, Dashehari, mallika and lalbagh sendhura apart from its native varieties like Raspuri, Marigowda, Badami. Karnataka Produces 9.5% of all mangoes in the country with a total production of 1829000 Metric tonnes of mangoes every year. The land area allocated for mango cultivations is roughly 192000 Hectares in the state.
  • Bihar
    Bihar stands 5th in the total Mango production in the country with 1479000 Metric tonnes of mango production per year with a land holding of 150000Hectares. It accounts for 7.5% of total mango production in india. Gulab khas, Digha Malda and Zardalu are some of the prominent varieties which are grown here apart from Alphonso, Chaunsa, Dasheri, Langra, Totapuri and kesar. 
  • GujaratGujarat is known for some of the best mangoes in the world. The kesar which is grown in the saurashtra region is one of the most known mangoes in the world. Today Farmers from Kutch region too are growing kesar and the taste seems to be on par with that of saurashtra region. Kesar, specially from Junagad and Gir are known for their excellent taste and smell. Gujarat Contributes nearly 6% of the total mango production in the country. Though kesar is the most produced varieties here, Langra, Badam, Totapuri and Alphonso too are grown in certain areas. Gujarat produced 1478000 Metric tonnes of mangoes in 2019. 
  • Tamil NaduTamil Nadu has an arid weather. Its dry most of the time and monsoon starts late. This is a perfect environment for mango plantation and the state takes good advantage of it. Tamil nadu cultivates a range of mangoes, including alphonso, neelam, banganapalle and lately , kesar. The native mangoes which are very famous include malgoa. The Tamil nadu agricultural university is very supportive to mango farmers and the exports from tamil nadu is on the 5th position
  • OrrisaOrissa Is a major cultivator of mangoes and they have their own varieties of mangoes which are famous locally. The mangoes cultivated commercially include Alphonso, Chaunsa , neelam and dasheri. Orissa stands 7th in the total mango productio in india and they export most of their produce to bangladesh. Exports to finland and other western countries have been looked into lately.
  • West bengal
    West bengal is known to be one of the biggest cultivars of mangoes dedicating more than 40% of its fruit production land to mangoes. With over 115 varieties of mangoes both native and hybrids grown in west bengal, the most opular ones are Amrapali, Mallika, Mehmud bahar, Gulab khas, Gopal Bhog, Kishan Bhog, Begam pasand and Bhaduri. West bengal belt for mango growers has shown some of the best mangoes. The size of the fruit and the Brix Percentage is impressive in most mangoes. for instance the Brix % recorded by 14 cultivars showed 19% unripe and pt o 26 percentage when ripe. Lakshman bhog is one of the few cultivars which is promoted for export from west bengal
  • JharkhandJharkhand produces 430,000 Tonnes of mangoes every year. It may not compare to one of the largest in the list of mango producers but the area is notable for its increase in mango production. With a growth rate of 8% and 53000 Hectares land in cultivation of mangoes, The varieties of mangoes grown here are very similar to those in Bihar and uttar pradesh.
  • KeralaBeing a native of kerala i could vouch for one thing. Most houses in Kerala has at least one mango tree in the premises. The varieties of mangoes grown for local consumption was mostly the local varieties which included moovandan and Kalaped. Kerala has a tropical weather and rains usually start early. Early fruit bearing Mango trees are preferred in this region. Kerala is also known to be the state which cultivated Imam PAsand mangoes. Most cultivars in kerala focus on varieties of mangoes here. From neelam, Lalbagh sinduri, totapur, Malika and alphonso, there is equal distribution of mangoes in the state. The state contributes to be the 9th largest producer of mangoes in india.
  • MaharashtraMaharashtra is known for its mangoes. The alphonso which is exported from mangoes is known to have the best taste. Ratnagiri and Devghar mangoes are known for its distinct taste and are usually exported. Other mangoes in production include langra, kesar, dasheri, chaunsa and totapuri.
  • RajasthanRAjasthan is probably one of the smallest mango production states in india but is notable for its increase in mango production lately. 46 Varieites of mangoes are grown only in Bhanswara region of Rajasthan. The varieties include Kesar, Totapuri, Chaunsa and Dasheri. Due to lack of water , most farmers rely on drip irrigation in this area. Furtunately the soil condition is good for mangoes in rajasthan and it is evolving fast as one of the growing mango producers in india. 
  • TelanganaTelangana is known for its mango varieties and a large belt is dedicated to mango production in the state. It is the 4th largest mango producer in india and contributes 1,600,000 tonnes of mangoes every year. Allumpur Baneshan, Banganapalli, Bangalora, Cherukurasam are some of the most grown varieties of mangoes in telangana apart from alphonso, neelam, dassheri.

Mango Varieties grown in India

Its hard to pick a winner from 1500 contestants when each of them has something unique in them. Alphonso may be the king of mangoes but mallika is equally worthy of the position. Kesar has a splendid, significant smell,taste and color. Dasheri is Sweeter than honey and the list could just go on and on. But, of course we are limited by space and frankly many wouldn’t have the opportunity to taste all of them.

For instance, the Kalapadi variety of Mangoes which are common in kerala is not listed here, though it has a distinct texture, always sweet and an excellent fruit for the table variety (not for Juice or pickles). There are 100’s of varieties which are distinctive to certain regions and are not commercial. They are not exported and usually not even sent from one state to another. This list is mostly those varieties which are common in India and considered Commercial.

  1. Alphonso
    The Alphonso is the king of mangoes. Its taste, texture and smell is distinctive and liked by all. The mango is cultivated in the western region of india and has become one of the best mangoes liked worldwide. Alphonso is also one of the most exported mangoes. While alphonso is cultivated almost all over india, the ones cultivated in wester india have a distinctive taste and smell which makes it the most desired mango in the world
  2. Kesar
    Kesar is the mango of gujarat. Cultivated all over gujarat, the best kesar comes from the saurashtra region of gujarat. The kesar is known for its distinctive smell Which resembles that of the saffron (From which its name derives) and its color which is deep orange. The fruits are free from fiber and sweet, Not tangy.
  3. Dasheri
    The Dasheri mangoes are known for its sweetness and fragrance. Its distinctive to north india while its cultivated all over india today. The dasheri Mother plant still exists and fruits 1 every 2 years. Though the dasheri fruits in the mother plant is smaller, the taste and fragrance of this fruit is unparalleled.
  4. Himsagar
    The himsagar mangoes are fiber less and medium sized mangoes each weight between 250 and 300 grams. The mangoes are Yellow or light orange inside when ripe. Himsagar mangoes is native to West bengal and orissa . Himsagar is also cultivated in Bangladesh.
  5. Chaunsa / Chausa
    Chaunsa is a variety which is native to pakistan. In india its cultivated in Uttar pradesh and Bihar. Chaunsa Comes in 3 varieties. The white chaunsa is the most desired mango. The other varieties are honey chaunsa and Sweet Chaunsa.
  6. Badami
    Badami is a native to the southern state Karnataka. Its also known as the Alphonso of karnataka. It has a pale skin and the flesh is Yellow orange. Its almost fiberless. It has a medium to small sized stone and the flesh is Juicy.
  7. Safeda
    Safeda is known by many names. Many people know it as banganapalle as its cultivated around the village Banganapalle in Andhra pradesh. They are also known as Benishan and  Badam in various parts of india. The Safeda cultivated in Banganapalle , andhra pradesh is known for its unique taste and texture.
  8. Bombay Green
    The Bombay green originated in india but made popular after it was cultivated in Jamaica. The Bombay green is usually Green even when ripe and has a touch of red in some mangoes. The Flesh is fiberless and juicy. The flavour of the mango is often termed spicy. There have been many hybrids which have a small parentage of the bombay green.
  9. Langra
    The Langra is native to Banaras or varanasi in india . Its also cultivated in pakistan and Bangladesh. Its cultivated at the end of July and has a greenish touch when ripe. Its Yellow orange inside when ripe and is fleshy and juicy. Of late, Langra has seen value in the international market as its suitable for Juicing and Canning.
  10. Totapuri
    The Totapuri is used mainly for pickling and pulp. The mangoes are less sweeter than other table varieties of mangoes when ripe. Its a great mango for pickles and canning. It is slightly tangy . The fruits are usually large and the flesh is yellow when ripe. The variety is a high yielding variety. The variety gets its name from its shape and loosely translates to parrots nose in many languages. Kili mooku as its known in kerala literally means parrots nose.
  11. Neelam
    The neelam mangoes are known for its taste and floral smell. Its one of the widely cultivated mango varieties all over india but is prominent in Andhra, Karnataka and Tamil nadu. It has an elongated shape with pointed tip. When ripe, the skin is yellow with no blush.These fruits are green when mature and should be plucked when mature. They ripen naturally in room temperature and turns yellow. The odor may be overpowering for some who are new to this mango.
  12. Raspuri
    The raspuri mango means juicy and it does give justice to its name. The raspuri mango is known to be sweet and juicy if harvested during the right time. The flesh is fiberless and very juicy. In karnataka, the Raspuri mango is preferred to even the alphonso and other exotic mangoes. The raspuri is native to karnataka.
  13. Mulgoa / Mulgoba
    The mulgoa is native to Tamilnadu Speciaially , the krishnagiri, Salem and Dharmapuri areas. The mulgoa is also cultivated in other states in the south including KErala, andhra and Karnataka. The Mulgoa fruits are yellow when ripe with a tinge of red. The fruits are spicy, Sweet and has a distinct odor.  The trees are very huge and grows vigorously.Strains of this variety is seen on over 50 other varieties of mangoes.
  14. Lakshmanbhog
    The lakshmanbhog variety of mangoes are cultivated in west bengal and is one of the few selected mangoes for export to the USA. 
  15. Amrapali
    The Amrapali mangoes are the hybrid of Neemal and Dusheri. Its known for its deep orange red flesh. The fruit has lesser shelf life than most other commercial varieties. The three is of the dwarf variety and the yield is approximately 16 tonnes per hectare. 
  16. Imam Pasand
    Imam Pasand Also known as humayun pasand himampasand and similar other names is probably not the best looking fruit. At 800 Grams per fruit, Imam pasand is big but not well shaped. The skin is thin and this creates problems when transporting. Its not one of the well known varieties of mangoes because its hard to transport it. But Imam pasand was once known as the king of mangoes. It has a distinctive taste and the after taste is more like Lime and coconut. Many mango lovers will know how the after taste of a mango can be repulsive, but the imam pasand will leave your mouth wanting for more. The imam pasand is cultivated in tamil nadu , karnataka and andhra though its thought that the mango originated from Kerala.
  17. Fazil
    The FAzil mango is a large fruit and a late maturing mango. The Mangoes usually are harvested after most other mangoes. The fruit could weigh up to a kilo but is not used for table purpose. The Fazil is known for making jams and pickles . The fazil mangoes are cultivated in West bengal and bangladesh.
  18. Mankurad
    The mankurad is a native to goa and loosely translates to Poor looking. Even with its poor looks, the Mankurad is often compared to the Alphonso. This fruit is rarely seen outside of Goa as its demands are high. The fruits are fleshy and juicy.
  19. Paheri / Pairi
    The pairi is an early season mangoes which hit the market before other mangoe. The mangoes weigh between 250 and 400 grams. 
  20. Mallika
    The mallika mango is a hybrid of Neelam and Dussheri. The mallika has a distinctive flavour and odor. They are floral in Scent and grow up to 500 Grams. The fruits are usually not prone to pest attacks. The flesh is free from fiber and taste extremely sweet. The flesh is deep orange in color. The skin is yellow when ripe and dark green when mature. They leave an after taste of Honey, Melon and Lime. They are extremely sweet.
  21. Gulab Khaas
    The gulab khas gets its name from the deep red color of the mango. It is sweet and is used in desserts. Its rosy flavour and smell is distinct.
  22. Rumani
    The Rumani mangoes are also known as the Apple mangoes or the ice cream mangoes. They are native to andhra and karnataka. 
  23. Muvandan
    The muvandan mangoes are native to kerala . Its a medium -small mangoes which is tangy with light fiber. The flesh are yellow when ripe and the taste is a bit tangy. They are usually consumed semi ripe or fully ripe. Its an excellent variety for pickles. The mango is also an off season mangoes which fruits twice a year.

Places in india that has the Best mangoes

  1. Ratnagiri Maharashtra
  2. Junagadh , Gujarat
  3. Kakori, Lucknow UP
  4. Malihabad, UP
  5. Murshidabad, Westbengal
  6. Hardoi , UP
  7. VAranasi, UP
  8. Salem, Tamil Nadu
  9. Malda , West Bengal
  10. Mankurad, Goa
  11. Muthalamada, Kerala
  12. Trichy Tamil Nadu
  13. Kurnool , Andhra Pradesh
  14. Dharmapuri Tamil Nadu
  15. Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu
  16. Ganeshgule, Maharashtra
  17. Talawade, Maharashtra
  18. Dahanu, Maharashtra
  19. Lonavala, Maharashtra
  20. Hoshiarpur, Punjab
  21. Vapi, Gujarat
  22. Garhmukteshwar, Uttar Pradesh
  23.  Mysore, Karnataka
  24. Gir, Gujarat
  25. Devgad , Maharashtra
  26. Hoogly Westbengal
  27. Murshidabad West bengal
  28. Nadia West bengal
  29. Banaras

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Mango Yield Per Tree, Per Acre and Profit

The Yield of a mango tree depends on the age of the tree itself. The prime age of the tree is the peak yield period of the tree itself. the first 5 years of a mango tree’s life is a Child state, and there is no yield in trees unless they are grafted or produced by air layering. This yield should be avoided for better growth of the plant itself and cannot be considered as a production plant. The second stage is the adolescent stage where the age of the plant is between 5 and 15. this stage is when plants start producing fruits and they are gradually growing. the growth could be anywhere between 5 to 10 feet every year and they grow branches and fruits. Yet, this is not the peak period for the trees. The peak period comes when it’s nearly 15 years age and to 25 years age. This age is prime for mango trees. the production is at its highest at approximately 1 to 3 tonnes per tree. assuming that you have a normal plantation of mango with 40 Trees per acre, you are looking at a yield of 40 tonnes of mangoes per acre. with 40 tonnes, the assumed revenue would be around 20Lakh rupees per acre in the 15th to 20th year with an average price of 50 rupees per kilo.

While this may seem like an overkill, this is actually true for all mango plantations. the base price for mangoes does not go below 20 rupees per kilo and during the season, the prices go as high as 150. With an average of 50 rupees per kilo, chances are you will always make around 20 Lakh per acre in mango cultivation.

YearPer Tree Yield (Number of fruits)Per Tree Yield (KG)Per Acre Yield (KG)Per Acre Gross Revenue (Rs)

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Note that this is the gross revenue and not the net amount. There are other factors which influence profits of mango farming which includes the right application of pesticides and fertilizers and alternating fruiting seasons .