

  • Coconut Farming and Cultivation in India

    Coconut Farming and Cultivation in India

    Coconut cultivation in India – The world’s Largest producer of Coconuts Did You know that India is the largest producer of coconuts in the World? It was the Indonasia and Philippines a few years ago but India stands as the largest producer of coconuts since 2017. 80% of all coconuts produced come from 3 south…

  • Nutmeg Farming – High Yielding Varieties For Sale

    Nutmeg Farming – High Yielding Varieties For Sale

    India Is the Third Largest producer of Nutmeg after Guatemala and Indonesia. The Tree is Native to Indonesia and was introduced to India in the Late 18th century. Today its grown Kottayam, Ernakulam and Thrissur areas in Kerala. The plant is introduced to Certain areas in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra pradesh, but are yet…

  • Banana Cultivation & Profit in India

    Banana Cultivation & Profit in India

    Banana is an important fruit crop cultivation in india. India Produces 29780000 Metric tonnes of Banana Per year (2010) in an area of 830000 hectares. It is the largest producer of bananas and produces as many bananas china & philippines combined, which comes in the next 2 positions. The production of bananas has steadily increased…